Electrocatalysis allows us to interconvert electrical and chemical energy. But how do these transformations take place? And how can we extend their scope away from the conversion of small inorganic molecules towards other industrially relevant transformations? To answer these questions, our group elucidates the elementary processes that take place at electrochemical interfaces. Specifically, we ask ourselves: How does an electric field drive chemical conversion? At which point in a catalytic cycle is energy transferred? And how?
Since most existing chemical processes rely on hydrocarbons as feedstocks and energy carriers, we employ our understanding of electrochemical interfaces towards developing the science for converting hydrocarbons using electrical energy. In doing so, we open new avenues for the storage of renewable electricity and enable the electrification of the chemical industry.
We keep our sight on the broader move towards sustainable and green chemical reactivity and the increasing importance of electrons as a key energy carrier. As such, we take an inherently interdisciplinary approach to our research problems